welcome to the family

interested in serving?

Please read and fill out the serving survey below.

- Born-again profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
- Personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ
- Agreement with The Altar Church Statement of Faith and core values
- Completion of Welcome Home and Welcome to the Family classes
- Consistent attendance for 3 months
- Consistent giving of tithes and offerings at The Altar Church
- Lifestyle which includes maturity, emotional stability, financial responsibility, healthy family and interpersonal relationships, and active involvement at The Altar Church
- Agreement with the Serve Commitment (Bottom of form below)

Commitment to Holiness
- Lifestyle of repentance and forgiveness
- Heart of a servant
- Humble and teachable spirit
- Unoffendable heart
- Being in agreement with The Altar Church leadership
- Prioritizing deep relationships with God and others
- Daily devotional time of prayer, worship and Bible study/reading
- Serving with excellence, cooperation, and humility
- Developing healthy team dynamics through positive and honest communication
- Healthy conflict resolution
- Speaking the truth in love without gossip and slander

Check the areas of the ministry you would like to serve in. More than one may apply.


Serve Commitment
Your attendance, punctuality and dedicated involvement are crucial to the servanthood mandate at The Altar Church. The consistency of team members serving is essential. When you have accepted an invitation from Planning Center to serve and then are unable to fulfill your commitment, the following protocol is expected: Use the contact list provided by your team leader to reach out to another person on that team who can exchange times with you or replace you. Text your team leader to notify them of who your sub will be.

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immediate assistance

NEED HELP applying?

For immediate assistance, contact us.