The AltAr Global

train. equip. send.

The Altar Global School

The Altar Global School exists to train and equip market place leaders.

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Prophetic Mentorships

Online and in-person mentorships to train and send out prophetic people.

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Altar Nights Monthly Gatherings

Our monthly Altar Nights facilitate encounter and ministry in the Charlotte region.

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Five Fold Family

Training and equipping active church leaders to facilitate Biblically-based and spirit-filled ministry.

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Camp Goshen

Partner with us to bring our 17 acre vision for the next generation to life.

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Prophetic Mentorships

Online and in-person mentorships to train and send out prophetic people.

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Camp Goshen

Partner with us to bring our 17 acre vision for the next generation to life.

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Five Fold Family

Training and equipping active church leaders to facilitate Biblically-based and spirit-filled ministry.

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The Altar Global School

The Altar Global School exists to train and equip market place leaders.

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Altar Nights Monthly Gatherings

Our monthly Altar Nights facilitate encounter and ministry in the Charlotte region.

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Our Mission

The Altar Global is an equipping center that trains and sends a generation to do the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:12). Through personal discipleship and encounter with Jesus Christ, The Altar Global empowers men and women to fulfill the call that God has on their life in their sphere of influence.


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“for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ”

Ephesians 4:12