The AltAr Global

Antioch Resource Center

The Altar Church

The Altar Church is a local fellowship in Kannapolis, NC.

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The Altar School

The Altar Global School exists to train and equip leaders in every sphere of society.

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The Altar Network

A family of Spirit filled ministers dedicated to healthy marriage and family, five fold ministry, and the supremacy of Jesus Christ.

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Altar Nights Monthly Gatherings

Join us the last Friday of each month at our new Altar Global Headquarters.

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Camp Goshen

Partner with us to bring our 17 acre vision for the next generation to life.

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The Altar Church

The Altar Church is a local fellowship in Kannapolis, NC.

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Camp Goshen

Partner with us to bring our 17 acre vision for the next generation to life.

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The Altar Network

A family of Spirit filled ministers dedicated to healthy marriage and family, five fold ministry, and the supremacy of Jesus Christ.

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The Altar School

The Altar Global School exists to train and equip leaders in every sphere of society.

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Altar Nights Monthly Gatherings

Join us the last Friday of each month at our new Altar Global Headquarters.

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Our Mission

The Altar Global is an Antioch Resource Center (ARC) that provides training and equipping, leadership, and spiritual development, local church family and fellowship, next generation education and empowerment, and a five-fold global ministry network.


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“for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ”

Ephesians 4:12